Results for 'Darko PolŠek'

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    Svjetsko carstvo i njegovi neprijatelji.Darko Polšek - 2007 - Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk.
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    Peta Kantova antinomija: o autonomiji i uvjetovanosti znanja.Darko Polšek - 1992 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Zapisi iz treće kulture.Darko Polšek - 2003 - Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk.
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    Knowing Patients: Turning Patient Knowledge into Science.Jeannette Pols - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (1):73-97.
    Science and technology studies concerned with the study of lay influence on the sciences usually analyze either the political or the normative epistemological consequences of lay interference. Here I frame the relation between patients, knowledge, and the sciences by opening up the question: How can we articulate the knowledge that patients develop and use in their daily lives and make it transferable and useful to others, or, `turn it into science’? Elsewhere, patient knowledge is analyzed either as essentially different from (...)
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    Enacting Appreciations: Beyond the Patient Perspective.Jeannette Pols - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (3):203-221.
    The “patient perspective” serves as an analytical tool to present patients as knowing subjects in research, rather than as objects known by medicine. This paper analyses problems encountered with the concept of the patient perspective as applied to long-term mental health care. One problem is that “having a perspective” requires a perception of oneself as an individual and the ability to represent one’s individual situation in language; this excludes from research patients who do not express themselves verbally. Another problem is (...)
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    Children’s mappings between number words and the approximate number system.Darko Odic, Mathieu Le Corre & Justin Halberda - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):102-121.
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    Accounting and Washing: Good Care in Long-Term Psychiatry.Jeannette Pols - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (4):409-430.
    This article analyzes how the recent call for accounting in health care interferes with daily care practice and raises the question of how accounting practices relate to the aim of good care. The most influential accounting methods in the Netherlands suggest ways for professionals to legitimize their activities. The analysis of washing patients in long-term mental health care shows that different styles of accounting evaluate and legitimize care while structuring notions of what good care is. A specific style of accounting (...)
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    Prediction of attendance at fitness center: a comparison between the theory of planned behavior, the social cognitive theory, and the physical activity maintenance theory.Darko Jekauc, Manuel Vã¶Lkle, Matthias O. Wagner, Filip Mess, Miriam Reiner & Britta Renner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Towards an empirical ethics in care: relations with technologies in health care.Jeannette Pols - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (1):81-90.
    This paper describes the approach of empirical ethics, a form of ethics that integrates non-positivist ethnographic empirical research and philosophy. Empirical ethics as it is discussed here builds on the ‘empirical turn’ in epistemology. It radicalizes the relational approach that care ethics introduced to think about care between people by drawing in relations between people and technologies as things people relate to. Empirical ethics studies care practices by analysing their intra-normativity, or the ways of living together the actors within these (...)
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    (1 other version)The Parallax View.Slavoj ŽI.žek - 2006 - MIT Press.
    The Parallax View is Slavoj Zizek's most substantial theoretical work to appear in many years; Zizek himself describes it as his magnum opus. Parallax can be defined as the apparent displacement of an object, caused by a change in observational position. Zizek is interested in the "parallax gap" separating two points between which no synthesis or mediation is possible, linked by an "impossible short circuit" of levels that can never meet. From this consideration of parallax, Zizek begins a rehabilitation of (...)
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    The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity.Slavoj ŽI.žek - 2003 - MIT Press.
    Slavoj Zizek has been called "an academic rock star" and "the wild man of theory"; his writing mixes astonishing erudition and references to pop culture in order to dissect current intellectual pieties. In The Puppet and the Dwarf he offers a close reading of today's religious constellation from the viewpoint of Lacanian psychoanalysis. He critically confronts both predominant versions of today's spirituality--New Age gnosticism and deconstructionist-Levinasian Judaism--and then tries to redeem the "materialist" kernel of Christianity. His reading of Christianity is (...)
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    Significant Absences: Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Silence and Joyce’s Poetics of the Unspoken.Darko Blagojevic & Vanja Vukicevic Garic - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (1).
    This paper discusses an important phase in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s analytic philosophy through a comparative examination of the profound correspondences that exist between his concept of silence and the poetics of another crucial authorial figure of the 20th century: James Joyce. Based on the hypothesis that there are striking resemblances between their early works, that is, between Joyce’s realistic short-story collection Dubliners and Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, the article employs mostly close-reading, analytical-interpretative and comparative methods. It argues that silence was an intentional (...)
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    Active sampling in visual search is coupled to the cardiac cycle.Alejandro Galvez-Pol, Ruth McConnell & James M. Kilner - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104149.
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    Žižek's jokes: (did you hear the one about Hegel and negation?).Slavoj Žižek - 2014 - Cambridge: MIT Press. Edited by Audun Mortensen.
    Žižek as comedian: jokes in the service of philosophy.
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    The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic?Slavoj ŽI.žek & John Milbank - 2009 - MIT Press.
    A militant Marxist atheist and a "Radical Orthodox" Christian theologiansquare off on everything from the meaning of theology and Christ to the war machine of corporatemafia.
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    Hermenevtika in literarna veda.Darko Dolinar - 1991 - Ljubljana: Državna zal. Slovenije.
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    Isusov lik u istoriji kulture.Darko Gavrilović - 2009 - Novi Sad: Stylos Art.
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  18. Udari sudbine: politički mitovi 20. veka.Darko Gavrilović - 2006 - Novi Sad: Stylos.
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    Toward a Theory of Emotions in Competitive Sports.Darko Jekauc, Julian Fritsch & Alexander T. Latinjak - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this article, we introduce a theory on the dynamic development of affective processes, affect regulation, and the relationship between emotions and sport performance. The theory focusses on how affective processes emerge and develop during competitive sport involvement. Based on Scherer’s component process model, we postulate six components of emotion that interact with each other in a circular fashion: triggering processes, physiological reactions, action tendencies, expressive behaviors, subjective experience, and higher cognitive processes. The theory stresses the dynamics of affective processes (...)
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  20. Ethics in criminal investigations.Darko Maver - 2000 - In Milan Pagon (ed.), Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: ethics, integrity, and human rights. Ljubljana: College of Police and Security Studies. pp. 109--120.
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    (1 other version)Anatomy of a Paternalist and Anti-liberal View on Contemporary Eugenics.Darko Polšek - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (1):179-193.
  22.  7
    Aporija realnog: spoznajna teorija Nicolaia Hartmanna.Darko Polšek - 1989 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Pokušaji i pogreške: filozofija Karla Poppera.Darko Polšek - 1996 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Kosovo-Spain Relations and the Dilemmas on the Problem of Non-Recognition.Pol Vila Sarriá & Agon Demjaha - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (1):69-90.
    Eleven years after Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence, Spain’s position vis-à-vis Kosovo has not only not varied, but it has become stronger, turning Madrid into the leader of the Kosovo non recognizers club within the EU. This paper analyses Kosovo-Spain relations in the last eleven years. More specifically, the paper examines the reasons behind the non-recognition of Kosovo and the approach of the Spanish governments toward Kosovo’s statehood. This is followed by a thorough analysis on how Kosovo’s path for self-determination (...)
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    Subjekt svobode: k vprašanju aktualnosti fichtejevskega subjekta.Darko Štrajn - 1987 - Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost.
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    Utopianism from Orientation to Agency: What Are We Intellectuals Under Post-Fordism To Do?Darko Suvin - 1998 - Utopian Studies 9 (2):162 - 190.
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    Utopia or Bust: Capitalocene, Method, Anti-Utopia.Darko Suvin - 2021 - Utopian Studies 32 (1):1-35.
    ABSTRACT In the introduction to the 2015 reprint of her classical Partial Visions, Angelika Bammer cites the pithy injunction of the American poet and feminist thinker Adrienne Rich: “We need to imagine a world in which every woman is the presiding genius of her own body. In such a world women will truly create new life, bringing forth … the visions, and the thinking necessary to sustain, console, and alter human existence. … Sexuality, politics, intelligence, power, motherhood, work, community, intimacy (...)
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    One erroneous attribution of Defence of Eunuchs.Darko Todorović - 2019 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 112 (1):193-220.
    The paper traces a three-century-long tradition of a mistaken attribution of the Defence of Eunuchs by Theophylact of Ohrid. Since Peter Lambeck, chief librarian of the Hofbibliothek in Vienna, identified in 1671 the author of the treatise as Theodore Pedagogue, a poorly known tutor to the emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, the incorrect attribution was readily adopted and further disseminated by a series of scholars of the next generations. Although the issue of the authorship was successfully resolved as early as 1768 (...)
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    Washing the patient: dignity and aesthetic values in nursing care.Jeannette Pols - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (3):186-200.
    Dignity is a fundamental concept, but its meaning is not clear. This paper attempts to clarify the term by analysing and reconnecting two meanings of dignity: humanitas and dignitas. Humanitas refers to citizen values that protect individuals as equal to one another. Dignitas refers to aesthetic values embedded in genres of sociality that relate to differences between people. The paper explores these values by way of an empirical ethical analysis of practices of washing psychiatric patients in nursing care. Nurses legitimate (...)
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    Editorial: How do Emotions and Feelings Regulate Physical Activity?Darko Jekauc & Ralf Brand - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Whitehead's metaphysics.Edward Pols - 1967 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Edward Pols has made it his purpose in this perceptive study to deal with the aspects of Whitehead's philosophy that belong to traditional metaphysics. Mr. Pols closely examines Process and Reality, Whitehead's chief metaphysical work, and uses Science and the Modern World, Adventures of Ideas, and Modes of Thought to clarify difficulties with some of the doctrines in that work. Mr. Pols's primary concern is with freedom, and he uses this single theme to examine Whitehead's metaphysical system in depth.
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    Cold technologies versus warm care? On affective and social relations with and through care technologies.Jeannette Pols & Ingunn Moser - 2009 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 3 (2):159-178.
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    Dual weak pigeonhole principle, pseudo-surjective functions, and provability of circuit lower bounds.Jan Kraj�?Ek - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):265-286.
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    Linguistic and Naturalistic Deconstitution of Consciousness.Darko Blagojević & Nebojša Banović - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (4):775-792.
    This article seeks to highlight and present two seemingly different conceptions of the philosophy of mind belonging to Ludwig Wittgenstein and Richard Rorty. In this context, we first consider Wittgenstein’s critique of private languages, which is then used to reject and deconstitute the privacy of consciousness. In addition, the paper follows the evolving and deconstitutive character of Rorty’s philosophy of mind, showing how the American philosopher constantly defined consciousness, mind, or later selfhood – using naturalistic methods. The authors maintain and (...)
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  35. Games, trees and deontic logic.Bartosz Brożek - 2011 - In Jerzy Stelmach & Wojciech Załuski (eds.), Game theory and the law. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
  36. Neuroscience and mathematics : from inborn skills to Cantor's paradise.Bartosz Brożek - 2013 - In Michał Heller, Bartosz Brożek & Łukasz Kurek (eds.), Between philosophy and science. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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    Philosophy in science: methods and applications.Bartosz Brożek, Janusz Mączka & Wojciech P. Grygiel (eds.) - 2011 - Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
    Philosophy in science should be sharply distinguished from the philosophy of science. The latter offers a philosophical reflection on the method of science; the former, on the contrary, is expected to concentrate on the mutual influence between the philosophical ideas and scientific theories and practice. The papers in this book explore both the methodological niveau of the philosophy in science and some particular philosophical issues intertwined with scientific theories. Only such a combination of two perspectives may provide a comprehensive picture (...)
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    Wirkungen des Platonismus im griechischen Mittelalter.Eugen Darkó - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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    The Narration of Architectural Space as a Way of Constructing the Spatial Atmosphere: Two Readings of Contemporary Japanese Architecture.Fatma İpek Ek - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (1):99-117.
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    The contributions of non-numeric dimensions to number encoding, representations, and decision-making factors.Darko Odic - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  41. Der tätige Mensch und die Zeit.J. Pešek - 1987 - In Jiří Zeman (ed.), Philosophische Probleme der Zeit: Beiträge aus der Konferenz in Zwettl 1986. Praha: Institut für Philosophie und Soziologie der Tsch. Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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    Američka eugenika.Darko Polsek - 2002 - Prolegomena 1 (2):163-186.
    U članku se opisuje burna povijest eugenike u Sjedinjenim Državama tijekom cijelog 20. stoljeća. Premda je nacistička eugenika notornija po svojim groznim posljedicama, činjenica je da je većina američkih saveznih država imala zakone koji su dopuštali sterilizaciju “nesposobnih” i da je golem broj ljudi prisilno steriliziran. Neki su zakoni ukinuti tek 1967. ali postoje i naznake zakonodavstva o sterilizaciji koje bi mogle dopustiti zloupotrebe karakteristične za rane godine 20. stoljeća. Međutim, glavnina članka opisuje ideološke izjave najvećih američkih eugeničara poput Davenporta, (...)
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    Die Empfindungen des Anderen. Ein Disput zwischen Cartesianer und Wittgensteinianer.Ek Specht, N. Erichsen & K. Schuttauf - 1989 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 33 (1):305-334.
    Cartesianer und Wittgensteinianer diskutieren über die logischen Grundlagen der Empfindungssprache. Mit einem Gedankenexperiment suggeriert der Cartesianer die Notwendigkeit, "private Objekte" anzunehmen. Der Wittgensteinianer deckt die "grammatische Täuschung" auf, der der Cartesianer dabei unterliegt. Nun sucht dieser, seinen Ansatz zu retten, indem er die Empfindungen des anderen als "theoretische Entitäten" (etwa im Rahmen der Himphysiologie) konstruiert: Neucartesianismus. Bestimmte empirische Befunde könnten ihn dabei aber in das Dilemma bringen, entweder seine Theorie oder seine "natürliche Einstellung" zum anderen Menschen aufzugeben. Allerdings bleibt auch (...)
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    On Metaphoricity and Narrativity in Fiction: The Chronotope as the "Differentia Generica".Darko Suvin - 1986 - Substance 14 (3):51.
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    Socialna ustavna demokracija: iz filozofije in teorije v prakso.Andraž Teršek - 2017 - Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
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    Dialogue or Drama? The Role of Language as Seen by Gadamer and Foucault.Pol Vandevelde - unknown
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    El suplemento de la imaginación en la narración. O de cómo Husserl aporta un complemento a la perspectiva de Ricoeur.Pol Vandevelde - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico 51 (2):347-373.
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    From Fallibility to Fragility: How the Theory of Narrative Transformed the Notion of Character of Fallible Man.Pol Vandevelde - unknown
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    Medical Students' Decisions About Authorship in Disputable Situations: Intervention Study.Darko Hren, Dario Sambunjak, Matko Marušić & Ana Marušić - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):641-651.
    In medicine, professional behavior and ethics are often rule-based. We assessed whether instruction on formal criteria of authorship affected the decision of students about authorship dilemmas and whether they perceive authorship as a conventional or moral concept. A prospective non-randomized intervention study involved 203s year medical students who did (n = 107) or did not (n = 96) received a lecture on International Committee of Medical Journal editors (ICMJE) authorship criteria. Both groups had to read 3 vignettes and answer 4 (...)
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    Countably perfectly Meager sets.Roman Pol & Piotr Zakrzewski - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):1214-1227.
    We study a strengthening of the notion of a perfectly meager set. We say that a subset A of a perfect Polish space X is countably perfectly meager in X, if for every sequence of perfect subsets $\{P_n: n \in \mathbb N\}$ of X, there exists an $F_\sigma $ -set F in X such that $A \subseteq F$ and $F\cap P_n$ is meager in $P_n$ for each n. We give various characterizations and examples of countably perfectly meager sets. We prove (...)
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